Our events for the coming months are focused on Wales, and on gathering thoughts on the following question: What kind of Wales would you like to live in, and how can we get there?

Through a series of online workshops, we want to speak to a whole range people in and around Aberystwyth and Ceredigion/Mid Wales – including those who might not normally get involved in discussions about Welsh politics.
Through these conversations, we want find out more about the things that matter most to people, and reflect on what this means for the way in which the decisions that impact upon all of our lives in Wales should be made in the future.
If you’d like more information about any of our events, please contact project lead Anwen Elias.
Conversations online
7.00-8.30pm, Thursday 15th and Monday 19th July, 2021

These will be friendly and informal sessions on Zoom…bring your cuppa… Kids and pets welcome!
The sessions will provide a space for you to share experiences and identify issues on behalf of yourself, your organisation and/or your community, and to discuss these with other people from the local area.
You don’t need any prior knowledge at all, as the conversations will centre on everyday life, and what political or governmental decisions mean for each one of us.
If you’d like to join us for one or both of the workshops, you can sign up here:
Online poetry workshops with Eurig Salisbury
Dates to be confirmed

In these workshops, published poet and writer Eurig Salisbury will work with you to write a poetic response to the question ‘What kind of Wales would you like to live in, and how can we get there?’.
The workshops will be friendly and informal, and will give you the chance to explore your ideas about Wales’s future through creative expression. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience, just a willingness to share experiences and to discuss these with other people from the local area. Eurig will guide you through the writing process – from developing your initial thoughts to polishing your final words on the page.
These workshops will be held through the medium of Welsh. For more information, please contact Anwen.